Chrome SEO

Chrome SEO Extension provides easy access to SEO Tools that can help you with Competitive Analysis, Keyword Research, Backlink Checks, PageRank Checks and other daily SEO tasks.

SEO Status Pagerank 

It gives information about the web site Simple,Light-weight & Very fast and it Will improve Alexa rank for visited sites. It shows the PR and Alexa rank for every website visited right on the button itself.


This extension Shows PageRank in Google search results and highlights your websites in the search results (with position), shows internal & external links and alexa information.

SEO Site Tools


This is the most useful and powerful extension used by the web developers for seo which gives a lot of knowledge about Social Media info, PR / numbering on Yahoo, Bing, Google SERPs to improve seo results.

  META SEO Inspector

This extension is mainly aimed at web developers that need to verify the description tag of their site to follow the Webmasters’ Google Guidelines, SEO, or even to who is curious about page contents that are usually not visible, but can reveal interesting site properties.


This extension works on Chrome for Windows as well as Chromium for Mac.It shows Google page rank on toolbar and is fastest & Very light weight

SEO Quake

Seaquake is the extension used for google chrome which shows Google PageRank, Google Index, Yahoo links, Yahoo linkdomain, Bing index, Alexa Rank, Webarchive age, Delicious index, Whois link, Page source, SEMRush rank, Nofollow links, text density, check and compare urls.

Site Geo IP Locator

This is the very useful extension for seo research and web developers to find out the IP address of the current website and locate its IP geolocation on the map.

Google Global

The global google is the extension which shows you that how the google search is appeared in different is very useful and important extension for bloggers and seo companies who wants to work in different countries from the same place.


SitezMeter is a handy tool to webmaster, web site owner and SEO/SEM specialists.This browser companion provides users with extensive information about web sites traffic – instantly find out how popular a web site is, its rank, and how fast it is growing.With SitezMeter you can quickly compare traffic of up to 3 websites.

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