Restoring an Abused iPhone

Written by SHUJA | 10:22:00 AM | , , | 0 comments »

While Searching around stuff regarding iPhone i saw this post on Hack N Mod, i was so impressed by this person, who made it happen, that i decided to Publish this post on my blog too.

Here it is what it was and what it became after refurbishing. 

Steps to Resurrection:
  1. Buy a Damage iPhone fromeBay 
  2. Gently dry sand and External Scratches 
  3. Add some water and wet sand
  4. Polish with a 3M Headlight Restoration Kit  

Unfortunately Apple Logo will remove.

Now turn for LCD Repair

  1. Replacement iPhone LCD
  2. Compressed Air
  3. E-xacto blade ( or something flat and thin)
  4. Small Phillips screwdrive
  5. Suction Cup

 Final Result

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