Analysts Medialets found the top Android apps based on downloads, rating, and number of comments. It's a slightly limited mix of games, social networking, and audio tools, but Android's still just a baby.
The number one app is Namco's immortal Pac-Man with more than a quarter-million downloads, no surprise since it's an exceptionally well made version of the classic. Brain Genius Deluxe and Bonsai Blast round out the games section. The Weather Channel app and ShopSavvy's barcode scanner represent for functional tools, and the rest is filled by music discovery apps and ringtone editors. The big surprise for me? MySpace Mobile clocks in at number 2, helped by its integration Shazam, number 7 on the list. But maybe that's because thinking about MySpace reminds me that Dane Cook is still out there, wreaking havoc on all that is good and funny.
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