Window Vista has a built-in Visual Basic Script which allows its user to increase the trial period of vista by 30 days. You can use this script a total of 3 times, extending the trail period to up to 120 days. The process is known as "Rearming".

Note: This trick has is not violating Windows End-User License Agreement and has been tested by SHUJA.

1. Go to Start> All Programs> Accessories >Command Prompt

2. Right click on command Prompt and click "Run as Administrator"

3. It will redirect u to this location


If not, then move to this location.

4. Now type the script and hit enter.


cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm

5. The command will take some time to execute and will ask u to restart your system.

After restart u will see your Activation period again to 30 days.

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  1. SHUJA // October 29, 2009 at 8:28 AM  

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