It's no secret that Google has been planning a social network of its own, but now CEO Eric Schmidt is talking more frankly about it. What do we know right now? It could be called Google Me, appear as early as this fall, and Google is hoping Facebook well aid in its own destruction.
At the Google Zeitgeist conference this week in Arizon, Schmidt himself very casually proposed the following scenario: "The best thing that would happen is for Facebook to open up its data," adding that even if the social network didn't do that for Google, the company had other plans in place.
Opening up that contact list means that you'd be able to easily see if any of your Facebook friends are also using Google Me and quickly connect.
What are the chances of that? Pretty slim. As Maximum PC points out, though you can easily publish your Twitter status updates on Facebook via the former's app, Facebook was quick to bar Twitter from using your friends list to allow you find who is also using Twitter. It's worth noting that Facebook has, in fact, allowed game developer named Blizzard to sync up friends in its latest game, Star Craft 2.
We still have to wait and see exactly what shape Google Me will take, though it's expected to span — and perhaps even tie together — several Google services, much like Buzz. Just, y'know, in more of a Facebook-y way and not so Twitter-y.
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